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Undoubtedly this is a statement we have heard for many years, but where was this trend born and why? It dates back to 1909 in London, that is, this ideology has been around for 113 years and is attributed to Harry Gordon Selfridge, founder of the Selfridge department store and was commonly used to convince customers of the good service offered by employees, it is important to consider that these were times when the only important thing was to amass fortunes regardless of the means.

Today many businesses and employees still use it, however, the reality is that this phrase is not entirely correct, starting from the simple fact that each business and company has its own policies, standards, and procedures to carry out their daily operations and the customer’s opinion is far from being taken into account, in other cases, companies give a good follow-up of these comments and helps them as feedback to consider implementing them.

The fact of having to define who is right or wrong is an endless debate since both parties have valid arguments to defend their position, what is important to mention is that it is not recommended to let the customer think that he is always right, this will result in abuses or bad business relationships, on the other hand, these consumers must understand that you are the business owner, with the experience, resources and skills to meet the needs or solve the problems they are facing.

What often happens is that companies confuse customer satisfaction or service with wanting to always be right or do everything to make the customer happy, although it is important to seek to address the situation from their perspective, it does not mean that it is necessary to give in to their whims, as this may result in a conflict, each situation needs its own evaluation and will have its best solution, always attached to ethics and looking for an agreement in which both parties win.

Author: Cesar Castaneda